This incredible feature can be achieved by giving frame number to friends, family member or anyone from whom you want to receive photos. They can add text along with the photo will appear together on the frame with greater compatibility and gives viewer idea about what is the photo for. This is the only one feature, there are many more like this frame can be connected with USB port and it has a SD card slot anyway photo itself can save up to 400 images. So you can use as wall frame or table frame as well.
One more thing, you can personalize your slideshow with automatic scroll, so no need to click every time, just switch it on and relax. You can manage all your contacts by choosing to integrate or not a new sender to your authorized contacts list. All non desired senders will not be able to send photos on your frame. An environment friendly feature like adjustable switching on and off time saves unwanted use of energy.
With its leather frame and sleek finish looks like a real little gem. Additionally its high-resolution 7-inch digital LCD screen and 262 144 colors represent rich pictures in terms of color and contrast. Parrot DF7700+ automatically adjusts it the picture to match the size of its screen. It rotates the picture as you rotate the frame horizontally or vertically without disturbing the quality of picture. After parrot handsfree car kits parrot is now tending towards digital photo frames.
The backlight of this photo frame constantly adjusts to the brightness of your room. This can be achieved by optical sensor acts like a dimmer switch which increases or decreases the screen brightness according to the surrounding lights.
The kit includes…
- 1 PARROT DF7700 +
- 1 Mini USB cable
- Mains adapter
- 1 metal stand
- 1 Quickstart guide
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Photos are the things that take back us to the moment of the past. You can find not many who have no photographs of them. Everyone likes to take a picture of him or her and preserve it for the future. Childhood photos, wedding photos, outing photos and there is a great category of photos one can find. You can find many decorating the drawing hall with the photos of the family. We all like to look at the photos often. But, when you need to put all fotos in the drawing hall, it definitely becomes a mess. So, what can you do? The easiest answer you get is the digital photo frames. Contrary to the wood photo frames, the digital photo frame has many advantages: it display image data instead of old-fashion printed photos which are a great way to save on photo paper and help protect the environment to go green; it saves in a lot of wall space; it saves on printing costs; it is easy to use, all you need is just upload your photos.
digital photo frames
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